Importance of personal approach, professionalism, cordiality and patience


In business world which is nowadays everything but humane, a personal approach to your event, product, customers and people you’re working with can be the best kind of marketing.  Working in Rovinj at Croatian Summer Salsa Festival is definitely a great example of such business philosophy.

Personal approach doesn't necessarily include talking about your personal everyday habits or your most intimate secrets. It’s rather a kind of approach focused on treating people like real people – being primarily kind, attentive and friendly, greeting them with a smile on your face and letting them know that you’re ready to help them with any kind of issues that they have.

Why is this kind of approach better?

For starters, people always like to be treated nicely, there’s no exception to this statement. When you’re kind and friendly, your customers will definitely trust you more – as if they’re talking to a friend. In this way you’ll be able to get a better feedback about your product, what can be done better, what was done great, some new ideas, etc. Tailoring your product based on the needs of your customers is definitely a road to success.

Secondly, by making everyone feel welcomed and appreciated, you’re immediately making them feel good which definitely raises the quality of everything else that you've offered at your event. And when people are satisfied with the service and feel as if they were at home, they will come again.

And finally, if your customers are happy, you’re going to feel great as well, because there’s nothing more beautiful than doing something you love and making people happy along the way :)

Slippery slope

However, there are certain limitations to acting personal in business. That means, of course, that you’re not going to tell your clients about your fight with your partner or about the kind of medical problems your pet is experiencing. Being too informal can be perceived as rude and that is definitely not the kind of impression you want to make on your clients. As much as it is nice to be polite, it is also very important to know where you have to stop.

In the end, there are very few prerequisites to a successful communication. The kind of communication that is probably the best is one focused on efficiency and actually helping the other person. But when you’re nice and kind along the way, you can definitely get huge bonus points and possibly meet some really interesting people along the way, am I right or am I right? :)